【J】So what’s the next steps for the SaphirKeramik project? Who else would you invite to join this… 【J】蓝钻陶瓷项目的下一步是?下一位会是谁来加入…… 【MV】To join this couch (laugh). I think Laufen is an extremely attractive brand and we are in a very fortunate situation where the best designers in the world like to work with us. We are also very selective. As I explained in the beginning, everything is very long term. We are interested in collaborating with the best designers and building a long-term relationship. I cannot give you names who will be the next but for sure that the best ones we have will continue to work with us. 【MV】加入到我们在坐的这个沙发上(笑)。我认为劳芬是一个非常具有吸引力的品牌,而且我们也是非常幸运,世界上最好的设计师们都愿意和我们合作。我们挑选合作设计师也非常严格。像我之前所说的,我们做事都看重长期发展。我们很愿意和最好的设计师一起工作并建立长期合作关系。我目前无法告诉你下一个合作设计师会是谁,但我们现有的已合作的设计大师们都会持续和我们合作。 【J】This is a question for Mr. Nguyen, what kind of designer do you think can be called a good designer? 【J】这个问题是问Nguyen先生的,您认为怎样的设计师才能被称为好设计师呢? 【TN】The first thing is to be able to absorb information and collect what is around. The information comes everywhere, I am sitting in this sofa, and I’ll start looking at what this the sofa is made of. You shouldn’t expect the information will be already processed and handed to you in a package. So you should understand in many different issue, from the production to the market. I’m not sure if I’m doing well in every field but my first approach is really absorbing. And it is also really exciting because I can come here to talk, but I’m more here to listen and to absorb and to understand, how is this market and what is important for the people here. When I’m traveling I’m trying to understand what is important and because it’s very different from other part of the world. So yes the first thing is to listen to the people. For production another aspect is to try to understand what is the process, what is clever, what is interesting to do. It’s like learning a language. The more you learn the language the more you are able to use it. So I look at completely different field, and different material. I’m lucky to work world-wide with different materials and process, because I can try to bring something—this is also interesting because if you are a specialist in one field, like ceramic, you know a lot of things, but sometimes you will miss the outside view and the ideal position of the designer is being independent in a way and working with different things so I can bring something interesting. I collect information, I get a lot of knowledge about ceramic from Laufen, and I try in exchange bring also something from other fields, for example furniture, I proposed which material to use but for SaphirKeramik there was no such experience. So yes it’s always for me a huge exchange. 【TN】设计师该做的第一件事是吸收资讯并且收集周围所有的信息。这些信息可能来自任何地方。我正坐在这个沙发上,我就会开始看这个沙发是用什么材料做的。你不应该等待信息被消化后自己呈现给你。所以你应该尽力了解所有方面,从生产工艺到市场宣传。我不知道在每一个领域里我能否做到了最好,但我会尽力吸收和学习。我来到这里演讲,但我更是来倾听、来吸收、来理解这个市场以及这里的人们的。当我在旅行时我很努力在了解什么是重要的,因为所有地方都和其他地方的情况不一样。所以我认为第一件事要做的就是要倾听。从生产角度来说,我们还需要学习生产工艺流程,什么是可以做的,怎样做能更有趣。这就像学习一门语言一样,你学习得越多,你就越能够运用它。所以我会去接触完全不同的领域以及完全不同的材料。我很庆幸我能接触到全世界不同的流程和材料,这样我能带来一些不同的东西。当你在一个领域里是专家时,比如陶瓷领域,你知道很多知识,但也许你就缺乏了旁观者的角度。而设计师是独立的,能接触到很多不同东西的,所以我就能带来一些新的有趣的东西。我收集信息,我向劳芬学习关于陶瓷的知识,然后我尝试从其他领域带来我的专业性。比如对于卫浴家具,我提议了我们可以使用的材料,而蓝钻陶瓷我是不了解的,这样于是我们就交换了彼此的专业性。 【J】Is that how you come up with the name INO for the collection? I’ve always wonder what’s the meaning behind the name? 【J】您也是这样为INO这个系列起名的么?我一直在想这个名字背后有什么含义。 【TN】INO was a long discussion (Laugh). A short name but a very long discussion. It’s only one “N” but INO is innovation, in Italian when you say something is small, or you call someone like a small one, you say “ino” at the end of the word, and the washbasin is Lavandino. So there’s something for me that is friendly and innovative. So that’s exactly the goal for my side, it’s an innovative product but very friendly, and really useful. 【TN】INO这个名字是个很长的讨论(笑)。这是一个很短的名字但我们用了很长时间来讨论。INO只有一个N,但是它其实代表了创新。在意大利语里,当你说一样东西很小,或者称呼一个人很小时,你需要在词尾加上“ino”。在意大利语里洗脸盆被称为“Lavandino”,所以这个名字对我来说是非常亲切而又代表着创新的。这个名字完全符合了我的期望,代表着一个友好的、有用的创新产品。 【J】Thank you for your time. 【J】谢谢您接受我们的采访。 |