每年按照惯例,来自瑞士的高端卫浴品牌劳芬Laufen在上海KBC展期同时,都会举办一场新品发布晚宴会,邀请设计师、经销商、客户方及媒体到场见证。今年2015的新品发布地点在尚久-一滴水会馆(Sun Chateau-One Drop Hotel),劳芬特别邀请了国际著名产品设计师Toan Nguyen先生一起分享他为劳芬创作的INO卫浴系列设计理念。 PChouse作为特邀媒体参与了本次发布会,并采访了设计大师Toan Nguyen先生、劳芬市场与产品总监Marc Viardot先生、以及劳芬CEO Alberto Magrans先生。设计师Toan Nguyen先生认为产品设计一定是基于对材料以及生产流程的深刻理解才能达成的。而陶瓷作为一个特殊材料,就像拥有生命一般,需要很繁琐的工艺来铸模,干燥,上釉,煅烧。在这些步骤没有完成之前,没有人知道产品最后会怎样成型。而Marc Viadot先生和Alberto Magrans先生也为我们揭晓了蓝钻陶瓷的发明过程,以及劳芬是如何借助这种新型材料再一次革新了卫浴行业。 以下是前方记者的采访实录(下文中[J]代表前方记者,[TN]代表Toan Nguyen,[MV]代表Marc Viardot,[AM]代表Alberto Magrans): 【TN】So PChouse is about the house? 【TN】所以PChouse是一家家居媒体? 【J】Yes, we are anything and everything about the house, products, designs, brands… 【J】是的,我们是一家关于“家”的媒体,无论是家居产品、家居设计、家居品牌…… 【TN】We do a lot of things also, not only bathrooms in my office. Actually we do a lot of furniture… 【TN】我们的业务也很多元,不仅局限于卫浴产品,我们也做家具…… 【J】Interior design too? 【J】也做室内设计么? 【TN】More installation and product. For the furniture we worked with-in Italy, for Fendi Casa, we work in Germany with Walter Knoll, Walter Knoll is very present in Asia as well, no? In outdoor area in Spain with Viccarbe, a small company, we work with other company in Italy like Lema, a little bit with Moroso, with Varaschin, outdoor we work with German company Dedon, between Germany and Philippines. 【TN】我们更多是做装置设计和产品设计的。在意大利我们和家具品牌Fendi Casa合作,我们在德国和Walter Knoll合作,这家品牌在亚洲也是很常见的不是么?在室外家具方面我们和西班牙的一家小公司Viccarbe合作,我们在意大利还和Lema、Moroso、Varaschin等品牌,以及一家介于德国和菲律宾的品牌Dedon合作。 【MV】Hello, nice to see you again this year. 【MV】大家好,很高兴今年又见到大家。 【TN】Actually I’m French but my name is Vietnamese, he is German but his name is French (Laugh). 【TN】我是法国人但我有一个越南名字,他(指Marc Viardot)是德国人但却有个法国名字(笑)。 【J】So how did you two meet? How was this collaboration magically happened? 【J】所以你们俩是如何相识的?这个梦幻般的组合是怎么开始的? 【TN】Some years ago actually we met in Milan in the furniture fair, we were talking before about my little collection with Aiko. We meet very quickly sitting on my sofa I was presenting. It was April 2011. It was a very short talk, but it looked like we wanted to see each other again, and I was very interested by Laufen, and I think Marc wanted to introduce me to the company, the quickest way there were some product already started and…(looked at Marc) 【TN】几年前我们第一次在米兰家具展见面,当时我们在讨论我的一个展出设计系列Aiko。我们一同坐在我的展出沙发上,进行了一次迅速的会面。这是2011年4月时候的事情了。那次谈话非常短暂,但看起来我们都非常想再见到对方,而且我对劳芬非常感兴趣。我记得Marc想将我介绍给公司,而最快的方式是通过当时已经启动的一些项目……(看向Marc)
(Toan Nguyen先生和Marc Viardot先生在讨论产品创意) |